Saturday, August 14, 2010

God Make It Rain, please

I hired a lawn guy last fall to try to rid my yard of clover and all the other gunk that grows madly in this yard of mine. I am starting to see great progress but then BAM! August hits. My grass begins to die every where.

Then last week, he comes to administer spot treatment on anything that has survived and to fertilize the yard. DON'T EVER LET A YARD GUY FERTILIZE YOUR NON-SPRINKLER SYSTEM YARD IN AUGUST.

Okay, maybe the rules say that you need fertilizer now but unless he wants to spend three evenings moving stupid sprinkler around all the while getting soaked I rather he wait till the State Fair start. Since he didn't, I have had to water my yard. I have been rather cranky about the whole thing but I can't really let $45 go to waste and burn the yard.

I am starting to think that clover and stickers are a good thing.

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